When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Getting into Shape

So this past week, we went to St. George to visit with my brother and his family with my mom. His wife is a personal trainer, it's a little intimidating. We were visiting and one of the first things she asked me was, "Are you still going to the gym in Cedar?" With shame I had to answer no. So she started talking to me about some programs I could start working on. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to be doing yet but believe it or not, I'm really trying to accomplish this. I've been cutting down on eating and I basically can only eat from the list of things that she gave me. But it's weird, I feel way healthy and like I have a lot more energy than I have ever had. I feel like I've slacked a little bit on a couple of work outs, but hopefully I'll be doing better as time goes on. So maybe the next time you'll see me, I'll be in a size 2 pants and a small t-shirt... lol yeah right, but hopefully I'll feel better and maybe even look better!


Anonymous said...

Go you! I've been eating a lot better, and working out 3 times a week. It's made such a difference in my disposition. Trevor has noticed, and now I've put him on the program too. We work out together three days a week. Not only is it fun and energizing, but it's been great for our relationship. And believe it or not, I can do more pilates than he can. hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Christie I am in the same boat. I was just looking at the comic with the tin man yesterday because I wasn going to post something about that too. how funny. Anyway, I'm working out every morning in my living room. My mom, sisters, and I all have a joint blog that we post reports on. We have to report everyday whether or not we exercised. I'm trying to get off all of my baby fat. My goal is to have all the weight off by the time I get pregnant again so that my next pregnancy, I will start out healthy and already in the habbit of exercising every day.

Christie said...

Yeah, it's really hard. I'm having a rough time, but it's totally worth it. I hope Todd can pick up on it with me, but we'll have to wait and see!

Anonymous said...

Man, I really have wanted to get started on something like this. The RS used to do this, but they stopped. If i had some motivation, this could help me! You guys are my motication!

Anonymous said...

get off the stage fatty!

christie, wanna work out together?

Christie said...

yeah if you can handle it! lol jk. Except i'm at golds... but yeah...

Steve said...

I feel rather awkward even posting here but I couldn't resist...Exercise ehh...
So this is why you were moaning in such intense pain and agony as you walked down the stairs of the general class room building. :)Ha! Its good though, the soreness leaves after the first week or so...I'm about to go through that too.

Christie said...

yeah that's basically why I was having a struggle. But it's so worth it. I already feel so good! It's great, and Todd is starting to come with me too. I love it!