When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Past Two Weeks!

Lily seeing the ocean for the first time! The warf in Monterey!
Lily's first amusement ride! :) She screamed when we took her out of the boat!
Lily and I touching starfish and sea urchins.
The family sitting in a life-size clam :)
Lily saying hello to the turtle!
Eating some delicious mexican food, we gotta represent!
Lily playing with our friend Barb... they are life long buds now! :)
Camping at Yankee Meadows!
Lily gone camping! Does she look dirty to you too? hehe
We were so happy to be up in the hills!

The past two weeks have been crazy busy! It started out on the 5th when we left for Salinas, CA for a whole week! While we were there we went to MANY beaches, had a bonfire with old friends, visited old ward members for Todd, went to the Aquarium which is always fun, helped his sister move her classroom, enjoyed a week with each other! It was a busy week full of lots of laughs and good times! Todd and I also got to go on a date and watched the sunset over the WINDY beach! The waves were CRAZY though!

We came home on the 12th and brought with us Todd's sister, April, and her daughter, Taylor. When we got home, his other sister, Rachel, as also here with her family. We went camping up above Cedar City, did some scrapbooking, made lots of delicious and healthy food, plus watched some really good movies! It was so fun to see everyone while they were here. They will all be definitely missed! Now our lives are back to their mundane day to day things, but that's fine too. It'll be nice to actually clean my house instead of pile everything around....


Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

Oh how I love the Rob and Rhonda Fisher Family. You guys are so fun and such great friends. I'm especially glad my cousins picked great spouses, too. I'm glad you guys had fun - it was great to see everyone at Kam's blessing - thanks for coming!
P.S. I miss Jeremy :(

Christie said...

can I just tell you how much we all missed him the whole two weeks! It was brought up like 50 times! we all love you too, the Livingston family pretty much rocks! :)