When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Friday, January 12, 2007


So today I had to work at 6 AM in the labs. When I went outside to go to work, there was snow on our front step. That means there is a lot of snow at the top of the stairs because we hardly ever get snow to actually stay on the steps. ANYWAY! I started heading for work, boy was that fun. I had to basically shovel to find my car and get it going. I would usually walk, but there was so much snow that my ankles were already freezing from just walking to my car. As I drove to work, I almost got stuck but my wonderful driving techniques saved me from horrible embarrassment. hehe. ANYWAY! As I was walking on campus to work, I realized how gorgeous it was to watch the falling snow in different lights. I couldn't believe it, it took my breath away. I found this picture online, but as I was walking, it was so peaceful. There was no one on campus and it was just gorgeous. Unfortunately I didn't really have a good time to watch it fully because I was late to work and I needed to get there as soon as I possibly could. The cool part was, they hadn't put the salt on the sidewalks yet, so I was "walking" down a hill and I just started sliding. Basically, I was snowboarding to work, except I was only wearing shoes. It was a fabulous morning and I'm happy that I got to experience it, except for that fact that it was 5:50 AM....


Anonymous said...

How fun. at 5:50 A.M. i was sleeping peacefully, as it snowed outside my window.

Anonymous said...

I love that! One thing I loved about doing papers in the snow was that I was always alone and it was so quiet. I love that when it's snowing! I love looking up when it's snowing. It looks way cool.

Anonymous said...

By the time you go to work at 5:50 am, I will have gone to work, done 1 1/2 loads of laundry, gotten one child off to school while still getting the other ready, fixed breakfast, and made lunch for my fiance.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are going to make a great wife.

Christie said...

lol that's exactly what I was thinkng. Is it just because you're two hours ahead of us? psh!

Anonymous said...

that could possibly be it :) I agree with Katelyn about the paper route thing. That was awesome!

Anonymous said...

Well, the different time zone thing does help a bit....