When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


So I'm trying to get Medicaid with this whole pregnancy thing... what a head ache! If we can't qualify for Medicaid, I don't know who the heck can! Anyway my first doctor's appointment is this week and we're very excited because we get to have an ultrasound! I finally get to see my baby. I hope everything goes well... I'm kind of nervous for something bad to happen... hopefully life will be good and there will be no complications!


Janell R. Cropper said...

Good luck with that Christie! I'm so excited for you! Medicaid does take a bit of time, but once you get it figured out, they can't let you off until two months after that baby is born! Wahoo!

Christie said...

I thought it was a year after the baby is born...

Katelyn said...

Yeah, Cambree is on until she is a year old.

Janell R. Cropper said...

your baby is on until they are a year old...you yourself, only two months after the baby is born. :)

Christie said...

actually it's only a month after the baby is born...

Katelyn said...

Well, they say it's only one month, but I was on for at least 6 weeks after because they paid for my check up 6 weeks after Cambree is born. Of course, that could be because she was born early...I don't know.

Christie said...

hmmm weird

Janell R. Cropper said...

Hum..that is interesting. My papers say 60 days. I figured that was about two months..maybe they're changing stuff though.

Janell R. Cropper said...

Hum. Maybe you'll have twins! I got to tend some twins today...they were cute!

Christie said...

hmmm I solved the mystery, it's 2 months.. I think they changed it.. weird...