While watching any news cast I have seen over and over again how the gays have been protesting the LDS church, a church I happen to be apart of. Each time I hear of another protest or vandalism, it makes me increasingly sad. I understand that people are angry about the government taking away their rights and all, but what about the rights of those who aren't gay? I feel that if certain laws were to be passed, they would be taking away my religious rights.
I heard someone say, concerning gays, "It's just so sad to see someone fight so hard for something, and then have it taken away from them." Can I just remind you of the beginnings of our church? There is a reason why the center of the LDS church is in Utah. It's because we were persecuted SO much, that we were forced to come here. Many people died for our church and what we stand for. I believe we have fought for what we have and we deserve to protect our religious rights. I feel that it would be sacreligious for a gay couple to come to an LDS church and demand to be married in that church. We deserve to be able to say, no we don't believe that practice and so we need to protect our family and beliefs.
I know this has been all over the place, but I just get so sad that people are targeting LDS temples for protests. If they even knew the sacredness of the temple, that would never even be an idea. I think I get so sad because I feel that these things are so sacred and that they should not be touched by the hands of the world. I know they are, but it makes me so sad to see those with such hardhearts and stiffneckedness hurting others around them. I feel like these protests are hurting the church and are giving us such an awful name. I feel like many haven't even given the church a chance, but are protesting against us. If they really were educated about what they were protesting on, I believe a lot wouldn't be protesting. Please keep our prophet and the leaders of the church in your prayers. I think it's also important to pray for those protesting against us as well!
I definitely concur! I think the main word that comes to my mind is ignorance. The people protesting don't realize that if proposition 8 did not get passed then some of our bishop's marriage rights would be taken away. Ignorance! Thanks for the great post! I didn't put that into perspective either...but it makes sense!
Just wanted to let you know that Prop 8 didn't take away ANYONES rights. Gay and lesbian couples have all the legal rights and benefits of married heterosexual couples. Gay partnerships just aren't called "Marriage." This is what people voted on. "Do you think the definition of marriage is between only one man and one woman or not?" As for the protests, the church will always get it the worst because people know that the church won't fight back or sue. If people really want to get technical, than African Americans and Catholics should be getting the bigotry right now. Over 70% of Blacks in California voted for prop 8. Mormon voters only make up 2% of the population here. If you think about the facts, it was a WHOLE lot more people than just mormons who voted to keep the definition of marriage the same. These people are just upset and want thier revenge, and the church is an easy target. But I really don't think it'll give the church a bad name. People realize what is going on, that mormons are being unfairly targeted, and more than half of the state agrees with us anyway.
Yeah I don't think it will give us a bad name per say, but I do think that there is a very big possibility that someone won't give the gospel a chance because of all the protests.
I know how you feel Christie. It makes me sad and angry. It's so frustrating. The point is that they don't know how sacred these things are to us. Like you said, if they did, they wouldn't be doing it. I keep ranting to my mom about it and she just keeps telling me that even with all the bad publicity the church is getting it actually results in a lot of converts because so many people don't even know about the LDS faith and they start looking into it when they hear about it from things like this. So, just remember that even though it's making you sad now, a little bit of good will come of it.
I've heard that any media is good media. I have to agree with that. When the church is mentioned, especially portrayed poorly, I think it opens the church to many who didn't know much about it. I think it allows people to learn more about it and then causes people to make decisions about it, which could lead to conversion. What is happening is ridiculous, but it is creating awareness regarding gospel principles. I believe it is only going to get worse, before it gets better. And along the way the many will recognize the truth.
I have to totally agree with you on this!! I just posted something similar on my blog as well. People need to realize that if it were only LDS people voted for it then it wouldn't have passed! We arent't the only people voting for this. And do they really think that if they protest the Prophet would go to the government ans tell them that it needs to be overturned?? Even if he did then they would laugh in his face! This gay marriage thing has nothing to do with the church!!! It isn't fair that they are targeting us. And there were 3 churches within about a 5 mile range from where I live that the windows were shot out. So scary!! This is not the way for gay people to get support!
I totally agree with you! I have been watching the news and telling Caleb about it, and he is so shocked! It is soooo sad!
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