When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Memoirs of a mother with a sick child!

Lily has had a fever the past two days and it is AWFUL! Last night she woke up with a fever of 103 degrees and it scared me silly! We called Todd's aunt who is a nurse before we freaked out and took her to the ER, since we don't have any insurance on her. Luckily within an hour it went down a few degrees and helped me sleep without worry. Today, she has taken INCREDIBLY short naps (10 mins if that) and she just looks exhausted and absolutely miserable! And of course she is still smiling and talking to me. I love how positive she is all the time and the spirit she brings into our home. She truly is a happy baby! It's sad because she hasn't really eaten either and I've been trying to get SOME food into her but she'll take maybe two bites and be done. If any of you have any suggestions on how to get her to eat I would love to hear them! She's also had a bad cough and has four teeth coming in right now. So I think it's all coming at the same time and she's been such a trooper! Oh I hate it when she's sick!


Janell R. Cropper said...

My only suggestion would be to try to get her to drink juice or pedialite (walmart brand). That way, she's getting hydrated and getting nutrients. That's basically all Steven will take when he's sick, and keeping them hydrated helps reduce the fever dramatically.

Christie said...

She won't even hold it! She doesn't want the juice at all! Hopefully tomorrow will be more successful!