I just love this little one! She is getting so big! According to the doctor's measurements, in the past 3 months she has grown 3 inches. No wonder she's been sleeping so much! Her statistics are her weight is almost 22 lbs (16%) height is 31 inch (38%) and her head circumference is 19 in (91%). They have all slightly changed from the last appointment. She's so wonderful! I just love her!
happy 18 months! gasp, does she start nursery??!
yeah she was actually supposed to go this last week but she had a cold so we didn't dare take her. But next week she is for sure going!
woot for nursery! It's the best :) She's just growing so fast and is so cute!!
Wow, kids grow too fast! She is starting to look so grown up. What a cutie!
So fun! She's so cute and getting so big!
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