So here is the deal... when I was getting ready for Lily to come, I decided to get the Nuk brand bottles because they had great things written on the box and they looked more like a woman's nipple and what not. Well after Lily was born we had to use the bottles which was fine. but it would take her sometimes 1.5 hours to eat. so we tried another route. with the playtex nipples, Lily only took 10 min to eat. what a difference! We have been staying up all night it seems just trying to feed her... so hopefully this will also give us more sleep! She also is suddenly eating like twice than what she used to. With that and me traveling to SLC for the weekend while trying to pump... lets just say my body isn't producing what it needs to. She won't latch onto me, and I can't pump all the time because I've been working too, so basically I'm so sad, but we've moved to formula. I'm hating the fact, but my body hasn't been helping me live up to my hopes.
Today I took Lily to the doctor. She now weighs 7 lbs. and has grown a full inch and her head has grown a full inch as well. She gained a full pound in two weeks! Go Lily! Thank goodness for those other nipples!
Wow - grow, Lily, grow. I'm glad you've found an answer. I hear you on the body letting you down. It happens to us all. Hope you guys are doing well!
I'm glad to know about the NUKs, I've always wondered about them. I had to supplement Jane at 3 months and nursing just never worked all that great for us. Don't feel too bad about formula. At least now you can sleep more and she'll eat faster, grow more and you'll have more free time! I think nursing is great if it works for you, but if it doesn't, oh well! Millions of babies had only formula and they are just fine!
wow, 7 pounds!! :) I'm so excited to see her. To think...Steven was 7lb, 7 oz when he was born, so she's steven newborn size. She's so cute!
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