When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Being the mom

Lily excited to take care of Reese
Lily "changing Reese's diaper" check out Reese's face
This was Reese's reaction after the matter!

Lily cracks me up when she's trying to take care of people around her. She is constantly being motherly to everyone. She actually asks me to cry so she can make me feel better. She's so cute! Luckily, Reese is pretty laid back and just takes it!

1 comment:

Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

The oldest in the family always has to do what she has to do. I totally understand, Lily!
P.S. Your girls are adorable!