When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So this last Friday I we found out so pretty amazing news. I'm pregnant again. We weren't going to tell anyone for a while, but that didn't really work. That night we went to my brother's house. I didn't even say anything and my sister-in-law asked, or basically told me I was pregnant. She said she could just tell. That was a little weird, until the next morning when I went to a baby shower in Beaver. On the way there, I was driving with two of my good friends down here in Cedar. All of a sudden they started talking about a ton of baby stuff. I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I told them. They said they already knew. They were just trying to get it out of me. I asked them how they knew, and they said that they just knew. WELL I went to the baby shower and after it was over, I had another friend kind of pull me off to the side and asked if I was pregnant again... I couldn't lie to her so I said yes. She said that I had a glow around me. So basically! I obviously can't hide it. Another thing that has been weird about this, in December when we went to California, we visited some old family friends of Todd's while we were there. Well, the father of that family is way into Chi. When he found out about my miscarriage, he told me that he could fix me. I was just like.. uh ok. He's a worthy priesthood holder and very active in the church, so I thought that I could trust him. He sat across the room from me asking me different questions. All the while he was doing something with his hands. Chi is energy. Basically he will go through my body and see how the energy is flowing, if it's wrong, he'll correct it. Well after about 10 minutes or so of him doing stuff across the room, he said I was fixed. I was just like... uh ok... Well, about 20 minutes after that, I went to the bathroom, there was blood everywhere. I wasn't on my period, it was like my system had cleaned itself out. I didn't bleed again after that. Well I've only had one cycle since then, so I guess he did fix me. So just so you know, we're pregnant, and we're really excited. We are pretty nervous about it, but we feel good. I haven't been sick yet, so cross your fingers! But just so you know, since I'm awful at keeping secrets! Also, Katelyn, did you feel your baby sooner than you did with Cambree? Like could you feel her there sooner? Like a lot sooner? Like at 4 weeks? Just curious


Anonymous said...

oh christie! that's exciting! good luck, sweetie.

Katelyn said...

YAY! I can't even tell you how happy I am for you guys!! Congratulations!! I'm sure everything will be fine this time! We are praying for you though! That story about when you were in California is pretty cool.

I know how you feel about feeling the baby so soon. I thought the exact same thing(and I had a friend that thought she was feeling twins when she was only 6 weeks), but my guess is, it's most likely just gas. I used to question how you could mistake the movements for gas, but let me tell you, it's not that hard. They feel a lot the same. If you look at any book, or website, you'll see that at 4 weeks, your baby is really only still just a an embryo that is so tiny. But I did feel this baby sooner than I did with Cambree. I started feeling little tiny movements at like 14 weeks and then at 16 weeks I felt unmistakeable movemetns. So you don't have too long! That's so exciting!!

Launi said...

congratulations, christie! that is so great! now that i'm not pregnant and absent-minded, i will really have to send you the saltines this time. actually, since we're hoping you don't get sick, maybe i'll send you something else a little nicer. :) i'm so so happy for you!

dust and kam said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! I hope everything goes well! :)

Christie said...

I'm not sick yet! Which is a great great thing, since I'm in school now

Janell R. Cropper said...

That is wonderful! :) I'm excited for you. That pregnant glow is wonderful :) I had a professor who basically could tell I was pregnant, and he seemed to let me go easy after that. :) Good luck with everything, and let me know if you need anything!

JaMiEj said...

Yeah babies!! We love you Christie!

Anonymous said...

Christie, I'm so excited for you! Know I will be praying for you! I love you guys!


The Shermans said...

Hooray!!! I was giving you some baby vibes across the country. I was just waiting for you to make the announcement!

Christie said...

lol thanks Jenny!