When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Just an update on the pregnancy, we went to the doctor today. He wanted to check my cervix because it was a little soft on Wednesday. Well the way he explained it to me, is it should be like a piece of wood and mine is like Jello. That is a little worrisome because that means that we could have a pre-term labor and won't be able to take our baby home. So we now have to go into the doctor every week so he can keep an eye on my cervix so it won't open. If it looks like that is going to happen, we're going to have to put a stitch in it. I probably would have preferred doing that in the first place, but the doctors decided that it would be better for me to come in once a week to be checked. So just keep us in your prayers that we will be able to bring our baby girl home.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Belly Picture
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Woo Hoo
So this weekend we went camping with my family in Wayne County and something great happened! I'm still pregnant! The last time we went camping was the night we lost Gibson. I was way excited to go because I wanted to make sure it just wasn't because we were camping. It was all fine and dandy! It was my family's family reunion this weekend and each year we have an auction where we bring things that we made and we auction it off for money for future reunions. I bought some burp clothes and receiving blankets and they are really cute! I have a belly picture for you guys but I forgot our camera, I'll post it tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
New Ultrasound
Today we went to the really big ultrasound. We got to record it and they gave us a disc with a ton of pictures of her. It was so fun! She was moving a lot and she was kicking.. a lot! It was great to see her so active and moving!
This is her from the front. Her face facing us and then her body to the left.
This is a profile view of her. You can see her spine and her little nose and mouth. She had her arms above her head the whole time... and that's kind of how I sleep so I think that's how she's going to sleep too! Her legs were straight out too so she was just trying to stretch so she could show off how big she's getting! ;)
This is a 3-D view of her. You can see her arm up. When the doctor had this view up, she turned towards the "camera" it was so cute!
This is her little hand! She was waving at us.. it was so adorable! it was awesome that she could get such a great shot of her little fingers though!
She has a very steady heart beat which is a great peace of mind for us! She's doing really well and is very healthy! We're excited to see even more of her!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Middle Name Tag
So my friend Tagged me and now I guess I want to do this... The point is to put your middle name and then for each letter, tell something about yourself. My middle name is a strange one that no one can every pronounce right.. it's Marlyn. And no it's not like the fish!
M-Movie goer! I LOVE movies. I look forward to them all the time! We have netflix and I LOVE to look at our movie cue and decide what I want to watch next. Whenever a movie comes out that I loved I have to buy it and it drives Todd NUTS! I love all sorts of movies from fantasy to romance. My favorite movies are Disney movies such as, The Emperor's New Groove and Enchanted.
A-Anal! I can be very anal about a lot of different things. I like things the way I like them and it can really bug me when someone changes things up on me. It's been something that I've really had to work on since I've been married and it can make things very difficult to say the least. It's a very good thing that Todd is so mellow and just takes it for what it is.
R-rigorous eater! I love food.. I love lots of food! It's a definite weakness of mine. I could eat a lot of food when I'm not pregnant and if I could afford it. It sometimes gets me down now that I'm pregnant that I can't eat as much as I used to, but then again, I've lost 15 pounds... so I'm not complaining! My favorite foods are the fatty ones... Italian and Mexican. I absolutely love the Olive Garden and many different Mexican food places. I love sweets as well! If I could eat chocolate cake all day every day... I probably would. My favorite cereal of the moment would have to be waffle crisp and I really love home grilled hamburgers. I think it's time for a barbecue...
L-Lover of babies... and Todd! ;) Ever since I've realized that it's time in my life that I can have kids, I can't get enough of them. It's kind of sad because a lot of times, the babies don't like me which makes me worry a little bit when I'm carrying one in my belly, but I'm sure it'll be ok! I love to go to church on Sunday and sit behind a family with a little toddler or baby. They are so fun to play with and so cute and cuddly. It's only gotten worse since Todd and I were married and his love for children has rubbed on to me. I love sitting with Todd and holding a baby and dreaming of our up and coming bundle of joy. Todd is so wonderful and I honestly couldn't ask for a better husband in the whole world!
Y-young. I have always been younger than all of my friends and people that I hang out with. I have always been teased about how young I am and how young I was for getting married and yatta yatta yatta... I've heard it all. It has always really bugged me, because I can't do anything about the fact that I'm young. I guess I'm just mature for my age!
N-news watcher. Every morning when I wake up, I turn on the news to listen to while I'm getting ready. I have to know what is going on in our world! I love watching and being updated on the crazy people out there and what I should watch out for. My favorite news station is the morning news "2 News" team. They are so funny and they just make me laugh. Their special interest guy, Casey, is my favorite. I think he's one of the funniest people out there! I enjoy his wit. I also love to read up on the news when I've been at work for a really long time and have nothing to do! I find it interesting to be more informed of those around me...
Ok so now I'm going to tag other friends... such as Jamie, Brittany, Janell, Katelyn, Heidi, and Kamie. If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name because some of you moved your last name to your middle name anyway!
M-Movie goer! I LOVE movies. I look forward to them all the time! We have netflix and I LOVE to look at our movie cue and decide what I want to watch next. Whenever a movie comes out that I loved I have to buy it and it drives Todd NUTS! I love all sorts of movies from fantasy to romance. My favorite movies are Disney movies such as, The Emperor's New Groove and Enchanted.
A-Anal! I can be very anal about a lot of different things. I like things the way I like them and it can really bug me when someone changes things up on me. It's been something that I've really had to work on since I've been married and it can make things very difficult to say the least. It's a very good thing that Todd is so mellow and just takes it for what it is.
R-rigorous eater! I love food.. I love lots of food! It's a definite weakness of mine. I could eat a lot of food when I'm not pregnant and if I could afford it. It sometimes gets me down now that I'm pregnant that I can't eat as much as I used to, but then again, I've lost 15 pounds... so I'm not complaining! My favorite foods are the fatty ones... Italian and Mexican. I absolutely love the Olive Garden and many different Mexican food places. I love sweets as well! If I could eat chocolate cake all day every day... I probably would. My favorite cereal of the moment would have to be waffle crisp and I really love home grilled hamburgers. I think it's time for a barbecue...
L-Lover of babies... and Todd! ;) Ever since I've realized that it's time in my life that I can have kids, I can't get enough of them. It's kind of sad because a lot of times, the babies don't like me which makes me worry a little bit when I'm carrying one in my belly, but I'm sure it'll be ok! I love to go to church on Sunday and sit behind a family with a little toddler or baby. They are so fun to play with and so cute and cuddly. It's only gotten worse since Todd and I were married and his love for children has rubbed on to me. I love sitting with Todd and holding a baby and dreaming of our up and coming bundle of joy. Todd is so wonderful and I honestly couldn't ask for a better husband in the whole world!
Y-young. I have always been younger than all of my friends and people that I hang out with. I have always been teased about how young I am and how young I was for getting married and yatta yatta yatta... I've heard it all. It has always really bugged me, because I can't do anything about the fact that I'm young. I guess I'm just mature for my age!
N-news watcher. Every morning when I wake up, I turn on the news to listen to while I'm getting ready. I have to know what is going on in our world! I love watching and being updated on the crazy people out there and what I should watch out for. My favorite news station is the morning news "2 News" team. They are so funny and they just make me laugh. Their special interest guy, Casey, is my favorite. I think he's one of the funniest people out there! I enjoy his wit. I also love to read up on the news when I've been at work for a really long time and have nothing to do! I find it interesting to be more informed of those around me...
Ok so now I'm going to tag other friends... such as Jamie, Brittany, Janell, Katelyn, Heidi, and Kamie. If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name because some of you moved your last name to your middle name anyway!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Our Baby Girl
So I finally got around to scanning these pictures in so you guys can see them! This is from the ultrasound we had the other day, on the 20th we'll have a lot more!
This is her face, obviously from the front...
Her face again, but her little hand is up by her mouth... kind of like she's posing for the picture, she's totally going to be one of those girls... lol and her other hand is to the left of her, you can barely see it...
And this is her little foot! She was kicking me all kinds and I've been able to feel her a lot now... well mostly when I'm laying down and since all day yesterday I was laying down reading a book... I felt her A LOT! Actually at one point I was pushing on my belly and I felt a little foot kick me so that was basically awesome! It's starting to get way fun now! We're actually going to bring this baby home which is crazy... I'm not ready yet.. ha ha! Good thing I have a few more months to prepare myself...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
The Mighty Hair Cut!
So yesterday I got my hair cut. We ended up cuttinG 16 inches off, which was awesome! I documented it so you can enjoy the experience as well! ;) Just so you know, some of the pictures are a little blurry because our camera is really touchy and my sister-In-law couldn't keep it still.. lol, but you get the idea.
Back view... obviously
It looks way long this way...
I was so happy to get it cut!
This was Right after she cut it off, initially it was 14 inches but then we cut more off after that. But I'm holding up the hair that she cut off.
This is while she was dying the hair, I was getting some radio signals...
This is after it's alL said and done. I was holding up the hair... that was a little strange. But we're going to be donating it to lock of love.

Back view, it's pretty much stacked! I like it!
You can also count this as a stomach shot... because I"m definitely getting bigger!
Todd was really tired last night, but he liked it. It's a little lighter than I had imagined, but I still really like it. It took me all yesterday to get used to it though, it still kind of freaks me out a little, but it's SUPER easy to do, and I don't clobber Todd with my hair anymore! Oh and by the way, there is a little hint through-out the post telling you what we're having! ;)
Back view, it's pretty much stacked! I like it!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Happy News
So Friday, was the day in which we lost Gibson according to my pregnancy. Yet it was a very uneventful night for us! I was freaking out the whole night and had complete attention on the area in which the baby resides. I woke up Saturday morning and was way excited that nothing happened! So good news, I'm still pregnant and actually farther along than I ever have been before. Tomorrow we have an appointment to get an ultrasound to look at my cervix to make sure everything is OK and that no bad things are happening, even though my cervix wasn't even open last time, but I'm OK with that, because it's just a precaution. We may be able to look at the baby too and see what's going on there. Then I'm going to drive down to St. George to my brother's house and his wife is going to cut all my hair off.. YAY!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait.. you weren't supposed to see that.. well I'll have pictures no worries!
Friday, May 02, 2008
Lack of sleep!
So the past two nights I've pulled graves, and currently I'm in the middle of a 12 hour shift. I only have 3 more hours to go, which is a great thing! But needless to say, I'm basically super tired! I'm ready to get back to normal sleep! I feel like I can't even function right now. Sleep is very important... I am getting prepared for when our little one comes a long, then I will probably a lot worse than I am right now, good times! I can't wait!!!!!! Oh fyi about that, we find out officially on the 20th if we're having a boy or girl, I honestly can't wait! It's gonna be good! yay!
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