When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy News

So Friday, was the day in which we lost Gibson according to my pregnancy. Yet it was a very uneventful night for us! I was freaking out the whole night and had complete attention on the area in which the baby resides. I woke up Saturday morning and was way excited that nothing happened! So good news, I'm still pregnant and actually farther along than I ever have been before. Tomorrow we have an appointment to get an ultrasound to look at my cervix to make sure everything is OK and that no bad things are happening, even though my cervix wasn't even open last time, but I'm OK with that, because it's just a precaution. We may be able to look at the baby too and see what's going on there. Then I'm going to drive down to St. George to my brother's house and his wife is going to cut all my hair off.. YAY!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait.. you weren't supposed to see that.. well I'll have pictures no worries!


Katelyn said...

Yay! I'm glad you're still pregnant! I was just wondering about you and thinking that this is how far along you were with Gibson.

I thought you had to wait until December to cut your hair.

JaMiEj said...

Yeah, that's what I thought too. What happened to December eh? I'm sure it is going to look super cute tho, I'm excited to see! I am so glad to hear that your pregnancy is going well. Keep us informed!

Christie said...

Well... technically I'm supposed to, but it's to the point that whenever I put my hair up, I get a headache, and I'm basically miserable with it... so I mad the executive decision to cut it off...