When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Just an update, I went to the doctor yesterday and I'm still where I was last week, which basically means that if I keep living the way I'm living I could go overdue with this baby.... So I only have 14 more days til I'm full term and on that day, I'm going WALKING!


Katelyn said...

Yeah, I know how hard it is to be patient when you are SO uncomfortable. At my 38 week appointment I was dilated to 6+, 100% effaced and I was still not having any contractions. And for the two previous weeks I had been walking like crazy trying to get the contractions going.

Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

Thanks, as always, for the update. If you need any help while you're "down" I have extremely long arms to help with. :-D I'll let you know if I'm ever in town. Good luck!

Tobster said...

congrats! How exciting! I cannot wait to see your cute little girl! I saw Todd on Campus the other day when I was substitute teaching and he told we you are bedridden...so sad. I would love to come by and visit you sometime even though I am not your VT anymore ;-(! Let me know when is good for you!! Hope you are still feeling good for being a prego! I know how you feel!!!!

Christie said...

I would love it if you came over! Just give me a call I'm basically free all day, doing nothing! Thanks Nish, maybe with your super long arms you can help all the way from Milford! ;)

Caleb and Diane said...

I am so behind on everyones blogs. I have been so busy! I thought for sure that baby would have been here by now I have been so busy! I love the year book pictures! I will have to show that site to Caleb! Aww and you pictures of your baby!! Man!! When you have her and you are able to go to church you better come and find me and we will trade!! Freakin Sarah dropped by today and told me she is moving tomorrow morning so I don't get to hold her baby anymore!! So Now I get yours! haha. Very cute kid!! Can't wait until she gets here!

Keri Larson said...

Hey I'm planning on going walking everyday once I get to 37 and a half weeks too! I've only been having braxton hicks, but they don't hurt, it's just uncomfortable. But it sounds like you could go any day now, so good luck if you do! Can't wait to see some pictures of the sweet girl.

Barlow Fam said...

Hey Christie, I'm so happy for you to have a baby!! I know how that feels being pregnant and overdue! Cameron was five days late and worth the wait! It's so good to see that you are doing well keep us informed. I need your email so you can see my blog!

Christie said...

yeah I was going to ask you about that! My email is christiemfisher@gmail.com... please email me!