When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sleeping... or not

So, my pregnancy is officially becoming very uncomfortable. There are many different things that have made life a little more difficult lately but one major factor is sleeping. I feel like this woman when I sleep, but I can't sleep very well in this position. I'm not a side sleeper. I always have my legs changed around and stuff to get comfortable when I sleep on my side... well I can't do that now because if I do, I feel like my uterus is going to pop... so that doesn't really work. I have been sleeping awful lately no more than two hours at a time and it's miserable. On Friday we went to Costco in St. George and we found two pillows for $13 it was a steal. So we bought them later realizing they are pillows for a king size bed and our bed is a full, HUGE difference. They are super comfortable pillows though and it's given me a chance to use all of our other old pillows to put around me to try to make my life easier and it hasn't really worked. I tried to prop myself up so I could sleep on my back that was a little better but not much. So I was wondering if all you post pregnancy ladies out there had any advice or experiences that I could use to make my life just a little easier and me not so ornery... Poor Todd! Anything is appreciated!


Launi said...

a long body pillow (plus two or three regular pillows :)) was great for me. i could twist it all around my body, under my belly, through my legs, whatever. i got a cheap one at walmart and it worked fine.

Janell R. Cropper said...

I liked to use the long body pillow as well. What I did though, was we put our bed up against the wall, so I had this fortress of pillows that I propped against the wall. Then I could settle in, and it helped a bit. Then I would hug the body pillow.

Kiana Don said...

Wow, that is rough...sorry I can't help more. PS! I was so close to using this background! NO JOKE!

Jenny said...

I used tons of pillows and I still slept crapy. Sorry, the end is coming.

Tera said...

Congratulations on your marriage. Sorry Todd better late then never!! I got your blog from Nisha, and I am so excited to get to know you. This is your long lost cousin TeraLyn!! We haven't gotten to meet, but I wish we could. I am also in the uncomfortable pregnancy phase, and found a SNOOGLE pillow to be a girl's best friend. It wraps around you, and if you are not a side sleeper it helps to not be flat on your back. GOOD LUCK!! It is worth it!!

Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

My advice is to just wait until exhaustion takes over, and then sleep will come. :-D J/K! Hang in there.

I also wanted to share my fav. memory of you: I really liked the time that we caravanned down to Phoenix to see April. You got sick of some unmentionable relatives - but not me cuz I have freakishly long arms.

Lovin Life Together said...

Oh honey. You still have a few months to go, I don't mean to scare you, but it just gets worse. Welcome to parenthood early, it's just preparation for what's to come. But it's worth it! (I think, just kiddin)

Christie said...

Thanks for all the advice... I get a feeling that it's not going to get any better... so I've just given into the fact! Thanks Nish for the memory... and yes it was all your arms that made you completely void of being sick of you. lol

Caleb and Diane said...

I totally am not a side sleeper either, nor a back sleeper. I love my stomach!! ...During pregnancy I used lots of pillows and heck still do. Put one in between the legs, in the arms under the tummy, at your head and behind your back. If you have a soft but firm pillow put it behind your back. This way you are not totally on your side but your not on your full back and can't breathe. Good luck with it all. You're baby will be out of the oven soon!!