When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Ok so I'm sure you're probably getting sick of hearing about all my pregnancy problems, but I went to the doctor today and I am dilated to 2 1/2 cm and 50% effaced. My doctor is really worried about me and wants me to stay down and basically be on bed rest. I got to go get a steroid shot today, which wasn't the most comfortable thing ever, and I get to have another one tomorrow so if Lily does come early she can be able to breathe well. Once I'm at 34 weeks she won't be at such a high risk which is good, but he's going to try to get me to at least 36 - 37 weeks before I have her.. so wish me luck and pray for me and Lily!


Hansen's Fantastic Five! said...

I cant believe you're so close!! That is exciting and we will keep you in our prayers. Hope everything is going well for you guys. How is the ward doing? Anything new and exciting. We sure miss it. Take care. Jamie

dust and kam said...

Totally in my thoughts and prayers - but man, so exciting that Lily will be here in the next month or two! But not excited enough for her to come too early. ;) Hopefully you can hang on a few weeks.

JaMiEj said...

I'm prayin' right now! Go Christie! You can do it!

Christie said...

Oh yeah we're close, but we're hoping that she'll hold off just for a couple more weeks so she'll be healthy when she gets here! I got the steroid shot so her lungs will be strong enough. I'm happy that she'll be here sooner than later, but just need to make sure she's healthy before she gets here...

Anonymous said...

I love hearing about your pregnancy! We are praying for you and are excited for you! I'm am positive you will both be great! Let me know if you need anything!

Ashley and Daniel Tanner said...

umm...so thanks for calling me!!!!!!!! Let me know what I can do to help and if you need anything call me...want so book to read?

Lindsey said...

We're thinking of you and praying for you!! I can't wait to meet Lily- but I hope she holds off for a few weeks. :)

Katy said...

I had Felicity at 35 weeks and she was perfectly normal other than a little jaundice. Hope that calms your nerves a bit :) Good luck with everything!

Christie said...

yeah I think I'm just nervous because she's coming so much sooner than I had planned... I should just stop planning things!

Janell R. Cropper said...

yeah, plans are for rookies... :) I'm excited for you. See, if you hold out for my birthday, that leaves you with 21 days still..go birthday! Anyway, i am on a homework break, but wanted you to know that I love ya!

Michelle said...

I am so excited you are naming her Lily! I love that name.