We found this awesome website where you can upload a picture of you and then they will put your face into certain yearbook pictures from the 1950s up to 2000. Here are a couple of ours that we thought were awesome! This is what I would look like if I had lived in the 60s and what Todd would have looked like if he lived in the 70s. If you want a good laugh. go do this! It's way fun!
That is so awesome! It was great hanging with you guys this weekend!
Todd looks sick! You guys are so funny. We miss hanging out with you. Looks like a baby will be coming soon! We are very excited to see the little one. You'll have to post an awesome yearbook of her once she comes.
Those are nice pictures Christie except that your nose looks ginormous. Other than that, I think that it's a good look for both of you.
Love Ya,
that's basically awesome! :) Very fun!
Those are preety funny pictures. Thanks for the laugh. :0
Thanks Eli... I know I have a big nose you don't have to point it out... gosh! ;)
Nice! Love it.
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