When in situations of stress we wonder if there is anymore to give. We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail. Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This was right before Lily came home for the first time. She was so cute in her first outfit... though it was still way big.
Lily with her beautiful eyes open, she's so cute!
Lily and daddy, he is a VERY proud father, it's so wonderful. I enjoy watching him with her.
She had to go to the doctor today, and so I dressed her up. We were having fun with that. Thanks Janell for the super cute head band!

So, she has jaundice, and that's not the most fun. She's had to be in a special light bed all day when I'm not feeding her or changing her diaper. It's been hard because people have been wanting to come visit her, and they can't hold her. Hopefully she'll only have to do that for a day or so longer. I had to take her to get her blood drawn so they could check out how the jaundice is doing. I had to hold her while they pricked her heal. I didn't like it! NO fun!

We're loving it and she is so sweet! We've finally figured out how she eats and how she lets us know how that she is hungry. It was a little difficult before hand but it was still good! She is a very happy baby as long as she's fed! :) I think we're some proud parents...


JaMiEj said...

Awwwww!!! Aww... AWWWW!!! Awww Oh... Aw OH......!!!!!! awwww.... So cute.....

DeFreese said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! i just wanna hold her!

Janell R. Cropper said...

Ah, I wanna hold her too! She is so precious! I love that second picture of her with her eyes open. So so cute! And, yes, you win the proud parents award for today! Hooray! :)

Launi said...

ugh, jaundice! i feel your pain. when they told me to keep alex in that little bed day and night i burst into tears! don't worry, you will get through it and both be fine. and you get to admire your beautiful little girl the whole time, so that helps too! :)

Katelyn said...

She's beutiful!! I can't wait to see her in person! I think she kind of looks like your niece Korteny (sorry if I spelled her name wrong).

Cambree had pretty high levels of jaundice when she was born and had to be under the lights for a few days. She had to go be tested again and again and for some reason my children don't bleed easily from the heal so it takes them forever to get just that small amount of blood that they needed. It's hard to sit there listening to them scream.

Jenny said...

What a beautiful little girl! Seriously, she is adorable.

Is Dr. Sanders still your doctor? I love him. I hope the labor went well for you (and by "well" I mean incredibly fast and painless) :0)

Our daughter had jaundice, too. She had to be in the bililights and I hated it. She was only on them for two days though so I'll hope your little Lily can get off them soon.


Lovin Life Together said...

I remember we had to go through the same thing with Corbin. It wasn't any fun. However, things do change. You'll be able to hold her soon. And by the time she's Corbin's age you might try to do anything to keep her in a bed.
Love ya Sis.
P.S. She's way stinkin' cute.

dust and kam said...

Oooo... Christie, she is so cute. I already love her.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh she is so adorable and I love her already. I can't wait to see her and you and Todd. Let me know if you need anything. I hope all is well. I love you and miss you.

Swallow Family said...

Congratulations to you all. She is adorable. Toddy I can't believe you are a daddy you are going to be amazing she's a lucky little girl.
Love, Teresa

Christie said...

I'm glad you guys like here, we're kind of partial... ok maybe a lot partial. So ok, yes Dr. Sanders is my doctor, but he wasn't here this weekend so he actually didn't get to deliver her. It's ok though because the doctor who did is AMAZING! Any of you can come and visit as soon as she's off the lights and you can hold her any time you want, that should give you some initiative to come visit us! hehe

Anonymous said...

Seriously...she is absolutely beautiful!!!! Pretty sure I want to take pictures of her!! Let me know if you would like me to! Let me know if you need anything as well!

Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

She is such a cutie! I can't wait hold her. CONGRATULATIONS! I told you it'd be worth it! It's much better having them outside the womb. Keep the updates coming!

Jenna Marie said...

Hi- I don't know if you recognize me or not- I'm Steve and Lindsey's sister in law. :) Anyway- I've checked in on your blog just a few times, and I wanted to tell you congrats!! :) I also wanted to tell you that my boy Dallin had jaundice and had to be under the lights for a week! But when I went to get him pricked to get his count again, the nurse told me to nurse him, and he barely made a peep when she pricked him. Anyway- If your comfortable with doing that it works great! Just wanted to let you know! :) And Congrats again!

A Momma said...

She is so cute! That is the exact same bow they put in Jane's hair when she was born. I love it!